Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Gender equality, besides being a fundamental human right, is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. Moreover, it has been shown that empowering women spurs productivity and economic growth.

Women’s Professional Associations

Alliance for Women in Media  The Alliance for Women in Media is an organization for women, by women. They are committed to supporting women across all media segments, expanding networks, educate and celebrate accomplishments.

American Association of University Women (AAUW)  AAUW is a national organization of 135,000 college graduates focusing on advocacy for equity and education for women and girls. 135,000 Members. 1800 Chapter and/or State affiliates. Education; Civil Rights; Employment; Reproductive Rights

Association for Women in Communications Offers a mentor program and an annual career day.

Association for Women in Computing Serves programmers analysts technical writers and entrepreneurs. Contact the national headquarters for local information.

Association for Women in Science (AWIS) The Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for women in science mathematics engineering and technology. AWIS has more than 5000 members in fields spanning the life and physical sciences mathematics social science and engineering. Events at the 76 local chapters across the country facilitate networking among women scientists at all levels and in all career paths.

Ellevate Elevate’s mission is to help women advance in the workplace, both for themselves and the greater good. They strive to change the culture of business from the inside out – by investing in women.

Federally Employed Women (FEW)  FEW is a non-profit, non-partisan, membership organization representing the over one million women employed by the federal government throughout the world. Founded in 1968, FEW has actively worked to eliminate sex discrimination and enhance career potential for civilian and military women working in the Federal sector. On the national, state, and local levels, FEW actively lobbies on issues of interest to Federally employed women. 330 State and/or Affiliates.

The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) is a council of national African American women’s organizations and community-based sections. Founded in 1935, the NCNW mission is to lead, develop, and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. NCNW fulfills this purpose through research, advocacy, and national and community-based services and programs on issues of health, education, and economic empowerment in the United States and Africa.

National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) With some 250000 members nationwide and abroad the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) is the nation’s largest business womens’ association. NAFE provides resources and services through education networking and public advocacy to empower its members to achieve career success and financial security.

Women in International Security (WIIS)  WIIS (pronounced “wise”) is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for women working in foreign and defense policy. An international nonprofit non-partisan network and educational program WIIS is open to both women and men at all stages of their careers.

Women in Technology International (WITI)   WITI’s mission is to empower women worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities and transformations through technology leadership and economic prosperity.

Women’s Information Network (WIN) A Democratic group that serves mostly younger women. It features a job center and a well-reputed networking event “Women Opening Doors for Women” in which high-level professional women share their experiences at informal dinner parties.

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Career Resources

Informational Interview Steps


Informational Interview Steps Identify someone to interview:Professors, advisors, alumni, and members of professional organizations are great candidates for informational interviews. …

DEIA Equity Language Guide

Being respectful and thoughtful in our exchanges with each other, external partners and stakeholders, and the general public is integral …

Resources for Diverse Populations

The Career Design Lab (CDL) in the School of Professional Studies (SPS) is here to support students of all backgrounds, …