Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair (Employers only)

The Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair is an annual event organized by The School of Professional Studies, Career Design Lab, to connect employers with talented students seeking internships and full-time job opportunities. This fair exclusively caters to graduate students from the School of Professional Studies. If you wish to engage with a broader student audience, please contact the Career Collective team at careercollective@columbia.edu, which serves multiple schools within Columbia University. 

Where will the Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair take place? 

The Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair will take place at Alfred Lerner Hall 2920 Broadway, NY, NY 10027. Accessibility resources and visitor information can be found at the following link: https://www.cuit.columbia.edu/visitors-resources

How can employers register for the Fall Career Fair?

Employers can register for the Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair by visiting the Employer link on our website:  https://careerdesignlab.sps.columbia.edu/channels/fall-2024-career-networking-fair/ There, you will find the Registration form to fill out with your company details and preferences.

Is there a registration fee for employers?

Participation in our career fair is free for all attendees. However, we also welcome the opportunity to explore sponsorship options for those interested in maximizing their visibility and engagement during the event. Feel free to reach out to us at spsemployer@columbia.edu for more information on sponsorship opportunities.

What is included in the employer registration package?

The employer registration package typically includes a designated booth space at the career fair venue, access to a power supply (if required), marketing materials to promote your company, and the opportunity to connect with talented students from our 18 different Masters Programs. Columbia University wifi is open to all visitors and does not require a password. To connect to the event WiFi, follow the instructions in the WiFi Connection Link.

Can employers bring promotional materials to distribute at their booth?

Absolutely! We encourage employers to bring promotional materials such as brochures, flyers, company swag, or any other items that effectively showcase your organization. These materials can help attract students to your booth and create a lasting impression. For information on where to ship boxes and materials for the event, please refer to the Shipping Instructions Link on our website to be published Aug 1, 2024.

How can I ship/return items? 

Shipping information will be made available by July 2024.

Returning items: 

Have return shipping labels ready. Tape to your return carton when the event is concluded and leave with UEM staff, who will arrange pick up

You can also ship your items back via Fedex and UPS, both located within 1 mile radius of Lerner Hall. Please see map below

  • FedEx – 600 W 116th St, New York, NY 10027
  • UPS – 603 W 115th St, New York, NY 10025

How many team members can attend the event?

We recommend bringing multiple team members (at least 2) so that you can take breaks and have lunch.  and if your table gets busy, you will have enough hands on deck. 

FYI: Last year we had more than 1000 students attend the Career & Networking Fair. 

Will food be served at the event?

Yes, employers will be served breakfast and lunch on the fifth floor of Lerner Hall. Information regarding room number will be provided on the day of the fair. 

Can employers conduct on-site interviews during the Fall Career Fair?

Yes, employers are welcome to conduct on-site interviews. However, it is recommended that interviews with selected candidates be pre-scheduled to ensure a smooth process. Dedicated interview spaces or rooms can be available before or after the Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair at our Midtown office. Talk to a representative from our Employer Relations Team to schedule.

Are there any specific requirements for employers regarding dress code or booth setup?

While there is no strict dress code, we encourage employers to dress professionally to represent their organizations. As for booth setup, employers can bring banners, display boards, laptops, and any other materials that highlight their company culture and opportunities. However, please ensure that your booth setup does not obstruct or interfere with neighboring booths.

Is parking available for employers attending the career fair?

Columbia University does not have a private parking lot. However, click on the link for travel and Parking Information.

Click here for travel and parking information to Alfred Lerner Hall

Can employers request specific majors or disciplines when interacting with students?

Employers are encouraged to interact with students from various majors and disciplines to explore a diverse talent pool. However, if you have specific requirements or preferences, you can communicate them to the Employer Relations Team, who can help organize targeted panels, info sessions, or smaller-scale fairs at our Midtown Location. 

Can employers cancel their registration?

We kindly request that employers provide at least 48 hours’ notice if they need to cancel their registration. This advance notice is crucial for several reasons:

Resource Management: It allows us to efficiently manage our resources, such as booth space and promotional materials, ensuring that they are allocated appropriately among participating employers.

Accommodation of Others: Timely cancellations enable us to accommodate other employers who may be on a waiting list or interested in participating in the event. This maximizes opportunities for all participants and maintains the diversity of companies represented at the fair.

Attendee Communication: With advance notice of cancellations, we can update our promotional materials and inform attendees of any changes to the event lineup. This ensures that job seekers are well-informed and can make the most of their time at the fair.

Who should employers contact for further assistance or inquiries?

For further assistance or inquiries, employers can contact our dedicated

Contact the Employer Relations Team

(212) 854-1102

729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10019