Career Coaching for Alumni

For life!

CDL serves Master’s level alumni for life after graduation. This means you will have access to exclusive career resources (Interstride, Firsthand, Big Interview, CandidCareers) | Access to CDL career & networking fairs | Individual career coaching sessions | Job board access

Individual requests for services may be made to

Report Your Career Outcomes

Please tell us  your post-graduation plans on SPS Talent!

  1. Connect to SPS Talent: Click on your “Profile” and then “Report Status” underneath the line, “Please tell us about your post-graduation plans.
  2. Report Status: Did you accept a job? Are you in the same role as when you were a student? Are you starting your own venture? Still searching for that exciting role? Choose from among the options listed and enter the details.
  3. Spotlight Your Program: Your submission gives direction that strengthens the value of your Columbia degree and inspires present and future students; thank you!

Sign up now at SPS Talent.

Share Your Success Story!

Whether you recently received a promotion or accepted a new opportunity, it’s time to celebrate any and all of your wins!   We would love to share your career success story with the Columbia University community as a way to inspire current and future students!

Share Your Success Story Here