What Career Resources are Available to Veterans at Columbia?

U.S. Military Veterans of Columbia University — This is a community of student veterans at Columbia University that offers resources, career opportunities and social support.

GS Veterans Initiative — The School of General Studies at Columbia provides this resource page to its students. You may find some of these resources useful.

Columbia University Center for Veteran Transition and Integration — Its mission is to provide access to the best-in-class tools and programming veterans need as they transition from active service to college and the workforce.

Columbia University Military and Veterans Affairs — Find information about veterans’ benefits and resources.

Counseling and Psychological Services — Provides services to all students. See their page devoted to Veterans Concerns. They are located in Alfred Lerner Hall, 8th Floor; (212) 854-2878.

Disability Services at Columbia University — Disability Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating accommodations and cultivating a campus culture that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of students. They are located in Wien Hall.

Resilience Center for Veterans and Families — Clinicians trained at the Resilience Center provide psychological services tailored to be relevant to and understanding of experiences unique to veterans and their family members. The VITAL Initiative focuses on maximizing veterans’ success in the academic setting. VITAL offers tutoring, work-study opportunities, individual counseling and assistance with integration to VA healthcare and beyond.