
All professionals need a LinkedIn profile. In the U.S. and many other countries, LinkedIn has become one of the most important sites for finding jobs, recruiting candidates, following companies and networking. Your LinkedIn profile will be like a virtual resume. It represents you professionally. Recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates for jobs. When you apply to a job, one of the first things a recruiter will do is to read your LinkedIn profile. In addition to your profile, it is a valuable tool to fuel your research, networking, job search and career development.

LinkedIn continues to grow and evolve. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Represent your experiences, achievement, projects and skills
  • Be found by recruiters
  • Search for jobs
  • Build a professional network and research other professionals (find, meet and connect with professionals)
  • Practice for interviews (see the Interview prep section)
  • Learn new skills through LinkedIn Learning
  • Follow companies and leaders you admire through your newsfeed

The more complete and professional your profile, the more attention you will get from recruiters and people who would like to network with you. LinkedIn provides great resources to help you build your profile. Here are some comprehensive resources:

Please refer to the Career Design Lab Course on your Canvas/Courseworks dashboard to find additional resources. LinkedIn Learning is another good resource for further learning.