
Organizations/proprietors seeking job posting or campus recruiting privileges must meet certain criteria, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Have a business license, or be registered as a 501(c) organization, or be a government entity;
  • Provide the basic company and staff member information required for registration, including organization name, physical address, phone number, email address, company description and contact information for at least one staff member;
  • Indicate an employer website in English or translated into English (Google translate is not acceptable);
  • Use company email address associated with their organization to verify the validity of the opportunity (personal or generic emails are not acceptable);
  • Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, equal employment opportunity, U.S. trade controls, export, and anti-boycott laws and regulations
  • Not provide services that promote academic dishonesty or plagiarism;
  • Not sell or dispense substances that are illegal in the state of New York or violate federal law;
  • Not post opportunities to donate biological substances/materials in exchange for payment;
  • Not provide adult entertainment or services of a sexual nature;
  • Not have pending legal federal government action against the organization;
  • Not have a website that requires input of information before seeing the landing page;
  • Not require purchase of company products in order to start work (with the exception of uniforms), or require purchase of company-provided training before hire;
  • Not post internships or jobs that are based inside the employer’s personal residence;
  • Not post internships or jobs requiring residential door-to-door sales; and
  • Not be third-party recruiters or staffing agencies who charge fees to students/candidates.

CDL is a member of NACE, the professional association for college recruiters and career services professionals. As members, we abide by the NACE Principles for Professional Practice, a document that serves as the ethical framework and foundation for practices within the career services and recruiting fields. The principle states, “Serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process.” Failure to abide by this principle will place the employer in violation of this policy. Employers not following the policy can be prohibited from utilizing CDL resources and services and/or recruiting.