Registration is now OPEN!

  • Recruiter Ticket – Full-day access to connect directly with top-tier Columbia SPS students and alumni. One ticket allows a table for two representatives to showcase your organizations and opportunities. 
  • Networker Ticket Full-day access of networking with Columbia SPS students and alumni. Secure your ticket to boost your brand visibility and build meaningful relationships that will benefit your organization for years to come.
  • Professional Association Ticket – Full-day complimentary access to showcase the benefits of joining a professional association. Share your insights and help students understand how to leverage your resources to advance careers.

Benefits for Recruiters

  • Complimentary Full-day Access
  • Exclusive table for two representatives to showcase your organization
  • Luncheon with Students Leaders, Fellows, and Interns
  • Optional Informational Sessions Pre & Post Expo – Contact 
  • Premium branding at the expo, along with featured exposure in Columbia SPS marketing and social media channels

Networkers can attend a full-day event to connect with students and alumni at the expo.

Benefits for Networkers

  • Full-day Access
  • Exclusive table for one representative to showcase your organization
  • Premium branding at the expo, along with featured exposure in Columbia SPS marketing and social media channels

Expo Schedule for Networkers

8:00 -9:00 AM –Networker Check-in
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Morning Networking Session
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Afternoon Networking Session
4:00 PM – Event Ends

A representative of a professional Association can attend a full-day event to connect with students and alumni at the expo.

Benefits for Professional Associations

  • Full-day Access
  • Exclusive table for one representative to showcase your organization
  • Premium branding at the expo, along with featured exposure in Columbia SPS marketing and social media channels

Expo Schedule for Professional Associations

8:00 – 9:00 AM – Professional Association Check-in
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Morning Session
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Afternoon Session
4:00 PM – Event Ends

All About Great Talent

The following Master of Science programs are STEM-designated degrees from Columbia University School of Professional Studies. We assist employers in hiring international students through the F-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT) during the academic year as well as Optional Practical Training (OPT) which grants graduates an additional 24 months of work authorization. Please refer to our Employer ‘s Easy Guide for Hiring International Students as well as Employer Quick Guide to Hosting an Internship.

Since 2017, Columbia University School of Professional Studies has been preparing talented, high-performing HBCU graduates to lead, innovate, drive community impact, and advance their professional industries through the Columbia HBCU Fellowship Program. Over 100 Fellows have graduated from the program since its inception and have gone on to excel in the finance, sports management, nonprofit management, finance, and medical fields, as others have continued their academic studies, including internationally

Columbia SPS CUNY Fellowship We have launched a new fellowship program, the Columbia SPS CUNY Fellowship, for the 2024–25 school year. High-achieving recent CUNY graduates have access to Columbia’s vast academic, professional, and community resources. Building upon the intellectual excellence at the School of Professional Studies by enrolling students from diverse backgrounds with strong connections to New York City who are dedicated to academic achievement and community engagement.

Meet the Executive Board and Program Representatives of the SPS Student Government (SPSSG)! This student body works closely with faculty and administrators developing leadership skills in supporting the mission of creating a unified community for all students across SPS programs. At the Expo, you will also meet a group of talented and driven CDL interns who excel academically and embody outstanding professionalism.

What is the Fall 2024 Career & Networking Expo?

The Fall 2024 Career & Networking Expo is organized by The School of Professional Studies, Career Design Lab, to connect employers to recruit or network graduate students from the School of Professional Studies. If you wish to engage with a broader student audience, please contact the Career Collective team at, which serves multiple schools within Columbia University. 

Where will the Fall 2024 Career & Networking Expo take place? 

The Fall 2024 Career & Networking Fair will take place at Alfred Lerner Hall 2920 Broadway, NY, NY 10027. Accessibility resources and visitor information can be found at the following link:

How can employers register for the Fall Career Expo?

Register on SPSTalent today. 

Is there a registration fee?

  • FedEx – 600 W 116th St, New York, NY 10027
  • UPS – 603 W 115th St, New York, NY 10025

If you are a recruiter, we recommend bringing at least 2 members. If you are a networker or professional association, we recommend one representative. 

Contact the Employer Relations Team

(212) 854-1102

729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10019