How Nonprofit Professionals Can Get the Most Out of Fundraising and Leadership Conferences

This post was written by the LinkedIn for Nonprofits Team for the LinkedIn for Nonprofits Blog. It provides quick tips about how to get more out of conferences targeting the nonprofit sector.

Attending a conference — online or in person — can involve a significant investment of time, money, and energy. As a nonprofit professional, you want to make the most of time spent away from your mission. So, if you’ve been Googling “best nonprofit conferences 2022” and adding dates to your calendar, follow these five small but significant steps to maximize the value you get out of any nonprofit leadership, fundraising, or management conference you attend this year.

1. Plan ahead

The last thing you want after any nonprofit conference is to leave wishing you’d gone to different sessions. Do your research ahead of time to narrow down the keynotes, breakouts, and other presentations you simply can’t miss. If you have friends or colleagues who are attending the same conference, divide and conquer by creating a note-sharing system. It’s also worth checking whether any sessions will be recorded and viewable later, as this will allow you to benefit from them even after the conference is over.

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By LinkedIn for Nonprofits Team
LinkedIn for Nonprofits Team