Entertainment Marketing: Tips for Your Recreation, Arts, or Entertainment Business

This article from Constant Contact written by Suzanne Wentley

If there’s anything that 2020 has proven to business owners focused on recreation, arts, and entertainment, it’s that they need to get online.

Digital isn’t just for creative offerings, either. You must use the internet now to market your business effectively if you wish to stay competitive and relevant in today’s marketplace. At one time, you may have been able to rely on flyers around town, but times are changing — and your marketing strategy should too.

Entertainment marketing and recreation marketing might not be why you got into the industry, but it’s necessary to let people know about the upcoming events and activities you’ve planned. By focusing on digital strategies, you can reach more people and grow your business in less time than you may think.

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By Evelyn Chen
Evelyn Chen Student Intern, Strategic Communication